The commanding body for the war in Gaza .. 04 men are leading the war in the Gaza Strip, including Yahya Al-Sinwar..

The commanding body for the war in Gaza .. 04 men are leading the war in the Gaza Strip, including Yahya Al-Sinwar.. - Algérie

The commanding body for the war in Gaza .. 04 men are leading the war in the Gaza Strip, including Yahya Al-Sinwar.. Mohammed Nassar The war in the Gaza Strip is now being led by 4 men. They are, respectively, Yahya Al-Sinwar Abu Khaled, the first political official of the Hamas movement in Gaza. He …

ظهرت المقالة The commanding body for the war in Gaza .. 04 men are leading the war in the Gaza Strip, including Yahya Al-Sinwar.. أولاً على الجزائرية للأخبار.

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